I am one of those people who loves Khichdi, and consider it to be a comforting, one pot meal. It is one dish that you can’t mess up, even if you try:) Serves 3-4 Ingredients: 1 Cup of Mixed Rice + Dal of your choice (I used regular White Rice…
The last time I made a New Year’s Resolution AND followed it through was when I was 9 years old. I swore, “I will write in my Cursive Writing Book everyday” and I did. The end result was beautiful writing. Proof that New Year Resolutions work IF they are feasible…
As someone who watches regional films with subtitles, the first thing I look forward to finding out is what the title of a film means. So I did the same with this movie I heard called Sigai. Turns out, Sigai means Hair in Tamil. The title of the film was…
If we’re being honest, one of the best things about a wedding are the hundreds of wedding gifts you’ll be getting! But it also has the potential of becoming one of the worst things—if the gifts you get are ones you have no use for and no space to store.…
Thursday morning saw us wake up to the news of our neighbor having jumped to his death from his balcony. Before we could even absorb this shocking news, our apartment complex was abuzz with talk about him and his wife. As we walked down to confirm what our morning…
Technology is a wonderful thing! As much as we may rue the breakneck speed at which it moves forward, we can’t thank it enough for making our lives easier. For, if it wasn’t for technology, I wouldn’t be typing this post on my sleek laptop that weighs almost next to…
All humans talk. Some talk a little, others a lot. We have various conversations throughout the day. We talk to family, friends, colleagues, staff, even strangers. Some even talk to their pets and plants. How many of us talk to our bodies? Talk to our body? Is that even a…
Pages: 27 Genre: Comic / Illustrated Available in: Paperback The Plot: The journey of a wrist watch, through time. From being assembled, to changing multiple hands, and owners, to a whole new twist in the end. This wordless journey is depicted through illustrations / images. My Thoughts: When I was…
I have always been an impulsive person. While others look before they leap, I am one of those who doesn’t look after she has leapt, and most probably injured herself while thoughtlessly doing so. Over the years I have strived to change this habit, but haven’t succeeded, so far. My…