I was at a get-together recently. A boring affair, to be honest. As the evening wore on the DJ began playing good music, a few people started making their way to the dance floor. As that handful of people danced, they would occasionally make futile attempts to pull people they…
Serves: 6 Ingredients: Chicken Bones: 250 gms Celery, leaves and tender stalks: A fistful Lemon Grass, cut into large pieces: A fistful Garlic: 4-5 medium sized Cloves, peeled and cut Garlic: 2 inch piece, peeled and cut Whole Peppercorn: 10-12 Salt, to taste. Water: 4-5 cups Method: Wash and clean…
I recently lost a friendship. Ambiguity, and perhaps understanding running dry, wore out the thread binding two people together, and a relationship carefully nurtured over the years snapped apart. I let it go too. Was I relieved to see it end or was I too tired to give anymore? I…
If you are a Professional/Serious/Dedicated Blogger you are well aware of the amount of hard work that goes into Blogging. If you need to stand out in a sea of Blog’s you have to keep your content sharp. Thinking of innovative topics and content, framing a post, and Blogging regularly…
In a small town near Jammu, 8-year-old Asifa was grazing her horses. As the day turned to dusk, the horses returned home, without Asifa. A frantic search by worried parents yielded no results and little Asifa was nowhere to be found. Asifa turned up a week later, as a battered…
Skin a burnished copper, flaming ochre mane;The white heat of a smile, cornflower blue eyes blaze Flaming orbs in her ears,flowers in her hair; Now there’s no escaping her sweltering stare Temperatures soar with every step ;She’s so hot, she makes you sweat Leaves you parched, you barely murmur;Welcome her ,here comes summer I have always associated…
‘God helps those who help themselves’, was the quote written on my class blackboard every day of the week when I was in 8th grade. When I initially read it, I appreciated it and absorbed it. Later I mulled over it and even agreed with it. Much later I took…
Dubaі іs оne оf the wоnders оf the mоdern wоrld. Іt іs lоcated іn the famоus Arabіan desert runnіng thrоugh the sоutheast cоast оf the Persіan Gulf. Dubaі іs a faіry-tale hоlіday paradіse wіth rоmantіc desert scenery and a lоng hіstоry. Іt started as a small fіshіng tоwn mоre than…
It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to – J.R.R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. This quote is one of my favourites because it sums…
Life! Such a fascinating gift! So many people, so many emotions, so much happening in a lifetime. Have you ever wondered that if each one of us were to pen down our life adventures what a fascinating story it would make, wouldn’t it? A good story is further enhanced by…