Although stretching isn’t the most thrilling aspect of working out, it’s necessary for a well-rounded fitness regimen such as strength and cardio. Stretching exercises can help you improve flexibility, reduce tension, and make your workouts more efficient and safe by including them in your training routine. Stretching isn’t flashy or…
Where does love go when love ends? Do you look for it in that toothbrush left behind? Or in the spine of the book placed face down, half-read. Do you breathe it in from fast fading fragrances on clothes, or think you glimpsed it in a passing blur on the…
‘Kaali/Kaala’ (dark skinned) ‘Mota/Moti’ (fat) ‘Tinga/Tingi’ (short) ‘Duffer’ (dumb/slow) ‘Andha/Andhi’ (blind) ‘Don’t gossip /cry/behave like a woman!’ ‘Why are you so aggressive? It makes you look manly.’ ‘Girls should play with dolls’. ‘Buys shouldn’t wear pink.’ ‘Don’t swear like a fisherwoman’. ‘Why are you behaving in this low-class manner?’…
I think there is hardly anyone who hasn’t at least heard of ‘Candy Crush’, if not played it. This Online Game took the world by storm and got almost everyone to bow down their head before it as they crushed virtual candies on their mobile phones. I remember the frenzy…
You might be super excited to add another feather in the cap of your ethnic collection in your wardrobe and get a few dresses every season. Well, you even wear them once or twice at appropriate events. Now what? You are just out of ideas about how to slay with…