I tell you…that girl is a young woman of remarkable strength of character…a girl of firmness and the courage of her convictions …she carried a box of chocolates home the other day without opening it – America, 1889 This quote isn’t talking about me, but it might as well be!…
Watched What? Sex Education – All 3 Seasons . Watched Where? Netflix . Language / Genre: English. Drama. . What’s it about? Otis is a student who is not noticed at his school Moordale High. Maeve is another who is deliberately ignored. Happenstance leads Otis and Maeve to start an…
Mental health, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”: Information courtesy Wikipedia.…
A few weeks ago, the bug of procrastination bit me and I skipped my brisk evening walk. That day changed to the next and the next one. I used every excuse I could, from ‘it is raining’ to ‘I am so tired’ and ‘I will start tomorrow’, in the following…
Love. A very small word, built from and through big factors. Respect, honesty, loyalty, compassion, and empathy to name a few. Nothing in the Universe escapes change. Like everything else, love undergoes various changes too. Sometimes love gets stronger and deeper as time goes by, while at other times it…
*Malarkey – Nonsense I love Quotes. They have the ability to inspire you, change your perspective, enlighten you, and even enrich your life. Which is why I love Quotes. Not all of them though. Let me tell you why. ‘Strong women wear their pain like they wear stilettos. No matter…