Dressed in more jewelry than clothes, Rakhi invoked ‘God Jeejus’ with a tuneless song sung on stage, pretended to bashfully shiver (me thinks it was more the lack of clothes, than shyness, that may have caused the shivering) joked there could be a Swayamvar Part 2, and finally got ENGAGED…
In her own words, Butterfly is ‘sophisty, smart and socialist.’ Her friends, Mulloo, Flopsy, Furry and Twinkle are ‘always doing competition’ with her. According to Butterfly, those who’ve studied at Oxford come back ‘three years later an Oxen.’ She laughs till she becomes ‘historical’ says ‘Thanks God’ to not have…
Confused Boy (resembling an old vulture) meets Practical Girl (did anyone notice the size of her feet!??)Boy keeps meeting Girl.Career-driven Boy and Girl decide to break-up instead of being in a tedious long-distance relationship (Audience wonders if the Girl’s foot-size was the deal breaker)Boy and Girl decide to have a…