Pages: 301 Genre: Fiction Available in: Paperback and E-book Format The Plot: 20-year-old Nikki is an Indian-born London-bred daughter of Indian parents. She does all that her Punjabi parents think she shouldn’t. She moves out of home, lives alone above a pub she works at, has a mind of her…
We’ve known each other for a few years now. I admit the first few months were difficult, as it surely wasn’t love at first sight for me. I didn’t like him at all, and if I am honest enough to admit, I hated him. I couldn’t help but keep comparing…
Somewhere in the middle of the #AtoZChallenge I remember asking Shilpa Garg if she was planning to turn her posts into an Ebook. I must admit I was crushed when her reply wasn’t in the affirmative. As I read through her posts every day I was further convinced that these…
I am was addicted to sugar. I don’t have a sweet tooth, I have an entire set of 32 sweet teeth. This was a bitter realization I had when I found myself getting anxious and craving for a dessert post-dinner and I had none at hand. I sat back to…
Our eyes connect us to the world. They help us see our loved ones and savour everything around us. As a blogger and a writer I tend to spend a lot of time online, on my mobile and through my laptop.It was late last year when I found out that…
He sits there, cool and collected and looking down at me haughtily. Each time I come face to face with him I am reduced to mush. I remember the wonderful times we spent with each other and the high his company gave me. Spotting him once again I bite my…
Serves 2 Ingredients 1 regular Banana. ¼ Tsp Honey. Fresh Fruit of your choice, finely chopped ( I used Mango) Dried Fruits of your choice, finely chopped (I used dried Figs, Cashew Nuts and Pistachios) Method Peel the Banana and slit it lengthwise. Place it on a serving dish…
Blogging is a creative profession. It is one profession for which you don’t need specific qualifications, an office or a desk or a fixed time to do it. There are no rules and regulations that bloggers must follow. However, that does not mean that there are no dos and don’ts.…