Golpapdi. Gudpapdi. Godpapdi. Sukhdi. Various names, same deliciousness. I first tasted this winter special delicacy as a kid, and have loved it ever since. You can rustle it up in under 10 minutes and all the simple ingredients that go into it are good for health, in moderation of…
An empty fridge makes you an inventor! 🙂 Lunch was a solo affair and all I had in my fridge was a bag of Carrots, and this recipe was born 🙂 Serves 1 Ingredients: 1/2 Cup Rice (you could use your Rice of choice. I used Brown Rice) 1 medium…
Serves 2 Ingredients 2 ripe medium sized Bananas (use 3-4 if using the small Elaichi Bananas) 1 medium sized ripe Mango, peeled, deseeded and pulped Pomegranate Seeds (Optional) Method Peel and slice the bananas into rounds. Wrap tightly in cling wrap and freeze for a minimum of…