Doggone: Used to express feelings of surprise, pleasure or annoyance. One morning our friends, Aparna and Prem, called us up, ‘Come home, we have a surprise to share!’ All through day I wracked my brains, trying to figure out what the surprise could be, getting curiouser with each passing hour.…
As I was watching Churails, I was thinking to myself how ZEE5 has upped the bar when it comes to content and continues to do so. I began wondering what could it possibly add to its kitty now? I got my answer soon enough! Yipee, it’s HiPi! Yes, the all-new…
What is Blogchatter? Blogchatter is an Online Blogging / Blogger Community. They are predominant on Twitter, very active on Facebook, and making their presence felt on Instagram. If you are a Blogger, Writer, aspiring Author or just love writing, Blogchatter is where you should be. What does Blogchatter do? Writing…