‘You know, Ray, I hated your mother. I thought she was pure evil. There, I finally said it!’ exhaled Rita. ‘Surprised, huh? Or maybe not?’ Rita continued as her husband listened. ‘I am sure you aren’t surprised that I hated her. You must be surprised though that I’m telling it…
Bed-hopping is okay. A few cigarettes a day and whisky on the rocks is okay. Swearing is okay. Late nights are okay. Replacing responsibility with money is okay. Might is right, is okay. Leering is okay. It is all okay. What is not okay is for a woman to want…
Rakhi looked up in awe at the huge billboards forming the façade of a brand new mall. Bright colors and well-dressed people dotted the entrance and the compound circling it. Sitting, standing, laughing, eating, holding hands, everyone looked happy. How much everything has changed, sighed Rakhi. Just as she…
They promised to love each other. They promised loyalty, respect and honor towards each other. To watch each others back, in both good and bad. They promised to stand by each other, in sickness and in health, till death do them part. She kept her promises. Before she killed him,…
Molly brushed her hair till it shone, applied another coat of mascara to her eyelashes, smacked her rouged lips together and kissed her reflection in the mirror. She looked good. The soft pink of the dress brought out the glow on her face. Her new heels made her look taller…
My dear child how much joy to us you brought When we welcomed you into this world All our pain and worries were nought My dear child how you made us smile At your innocent antics watching which We thanked God twice My dear child how proud you made us…
Bibiji was fond of telling everyone that Bansi came as part of her trousseau and had lasted the longest while everything else from her trousseau had perished. She proudly pointed out to a framed photo, sitting among the many on the mantelpiece, taken on their Golden Jubilee celebrations 4 years…
Dhokla makes for a great and relatively healthy snack. It is light, it is steamed and it is delicious. Making it at home is simpler than you think it would be. Try this recipe to see just how simple!:) Ingredients: For the Dhokla 1 medium sized…
What fragile lives they were born with, they bemoaned their fate yet again.People looked through them, and didn’t even realise how much that hurt. Their souls scratched by every assault, and no one cared. Cringing even if they heard a slightly raised sound, and sometimes shattering at it too. They…
Mr Verma loved Mrs Verma and Mrs Verma loved Mr Verma. Mr Verma surprised Mrs Verma with flowers. Mrs Verma surprised Mr Verma with his favorite perfume. Mr Verma planned his official trips so Mrs Verma could accompany him. Mrs Verma planned romantic, candle light dinners whenever she could. Mr…