Pic Courtesy: 18 year old Warren D’Souza, student from London My 100 word story based on the Photo Prompt above Ron Ron was furious! He glowered at his house. No one cared if he was around or not. Even his parents seemed to have forgotten him. More so after his…
The world is made up of Givers and Takers. People who like to give are loved by people who like to take. And people who like to take are needed by people who like to give. It’ s a vicious cycle really, that sometimes lasts a lifetime for some.While…
At age 92 Dadiji could not climb those stairs anymore. But a mysterious smile lit up her face each morning as she lay down on her bed placed on the verandah so she could soak in the morning sun and her rheumy eyes focused on the staircase. For these were…
How to participate in #FridayFotoFiction Every Friday we’ll give you a Photo Prompt Follow @twinklingtina & @Mayuri6 on twitter and wait for the prompt Write a 100 Word story on the photo prompt Use the badge at the end of your posts Link up with Tina or Mayuri Read, comment, share on host and co-hosts posts and…
Without enthusiasm, virtue functions not at all, and vice only poorly ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic’s Notebook, 1960~ Virtues are what we are proud of and like to talk about while Vices, if acknowledged at all to begin with, are usually brushed under the carpet. I like to keep both, my Virtues…
We love our Mobile Phone, don’t we? And most of us can’t survive without it, so much so that almost every waking hour is spent glued to our phone. Were you aware though that you Mobile Phone possibly carries more germs than a toilet seat. Or that the Menu in…
How to participate in #ThankfulThursdays Every Wednesday we’ll give you a Photo Prompt Follow @Deepa @Amrita @twinklingtina & @Mayuri6 on twitter and wait for the prompt Write a post based on the Prompt Use the badge at the end of your posts Link up with Deepa, Amrita, Tina or Mayuri Read, comment, share on host and co-hosts…
I take on the baton of Blog Love from Ajay Kontham I started off with a diary, but couldn’t sustain it for long The ink would spread and the words bled, leaving me forlorn I had so many words and thoughts trapped inside of me I wanted to write…
6 years of an Arranged Marriage and I happily admit that I am still getting to know my Husband. The Husband, on the other hand, claims to have read me inside out * insert eye roll * 6 years though is just enough time for me to find out and…
We all get hurt. We all also hurt. But when you carry forward a hurt done to you long after the reason for it has either ceased to exist or faded away then it is only YOU are only hurting yourself, not the person nor the situation. When you refuse…