TAG 1Bibli·ophi·lism Background:bib·li·o·phile also bib·li·o·phil (-fl) or bib·li·oph·i·list (bbl-f-lst) n.~ A lover of books.~ A collector of books.bibli·ophi·lism n. bibli·ophi·listic adj. So here goes. Books I own:****************For Gods sake!!!! You don’t expect me to remember all of them, do ya?!!!Ok, rough guess here. Might have around 200. Not counting the…
It is 1’o’ clock in the afternoon. I am in my office. . I have just shown a client out and await the next one who is scheduled to be here at 2.There is 1 whole hour in between. Too long to do nothing, and too short to rush home…