• Uncategorized

    Forcefully Tagging self! ;)

    I love blogging and hate it when I don’t do so regularly. And when I have nothing to blog about (which is happening with scary regularity these days) Tags, God bless their creator, always come to my rescue. I discovered this Tag on one of my many blog-hopping visits ages…

  • Uncategorized

    Movie Review…

    …AamirDr Aamir Ali (Rajeev Khandelwal, mindblowingly brilliant!) lands into Mumbai city after a 3 year stint abroad. And then lands into a plot of bewilderment and terror. His family has been kidnapped, his luggage stolen and a cellphone is handed over to him. The cellphone belongs to an unknown number…

  • #ThinkingAloud

    Tales of a Teetotaler

    The reason I don’t need a drink is because I’m always high on life. I have had an inkling of it for a while now. Careful and constant observation has confirmed it. And I am now completely convinced that I belong to the fast-heading-towards-extinction species, otherwise known as, ‘Teetotalers.’ A…