The pic above was the picture prompt for this writing exercise. Pic Courtesy:Geetika Gupta Kiran let out a contended sigh. A beautiful sunset, an endless supply of his favorite wine and the love of his life besides him. He turned towards his left and watched Laxmi snooze. His finger…
Written for Blog-a-rythm Sentence Prompt: It hurts no more Her eyes scrunched with pain and she swallowed a scream! She knew the first time would hurt, but SO much, she hadn’t imagined. Almost all the girls in school had lost theirs, giggling smugly as they huddled together, discussing every minute…
5 Things True About Me 1) I am terrified of pets. Even puppies and kittens. Even the sound of them. And I send a silent apology to them, via esp, each time they need to be tied up or confined to a room when I am visiting a pet lovers…
Word Prompt: Truth Word Count: 55 words ‘Does this dress make me look fat?’ ‘Do these pants make me look fat?’ ‘Do these shoes make me look fat?’ ‘Does putting my hair up make me look fat?’ ‘Do these earrings make me look fat?’ ‘If you truly love me, you’ll…
Good Luck He crossed his fingers behind his back. For luck. Today would be THE day he would propose to her. He knew that many such days had come and gone but he wouldn’t let today go without letting her know of his feelings for her. He saw her getting…