I am not a television buff. But I have a small list of programs that catch my fancy and I watch them when I can. My mother-in-law, on the other hand, loves watching television and has a long list of favourite serials she doesn’t like miss a single episode of…
O Mother of a Son do I see you celebrating there? The birth of your pride, your prize, your heir O Mother of a Son is that derision I see? Each time you look at a woman who has birthed a She O Mother of a Son do…
I think a Saree is a beautiful garment. Ask me to wear one though and it suddenly transforms into the most complicated 6 yards of cloth! Reason? I don’t know how to wear a saree right. Or at least I didn’t, till Mandira Bedi taught me. Mandira Bedi taught me…
I am an Aunt to Twin Nieces. The joy they bring to our lives is priceless and I love watching them grow. When they started going to school last year our entire family was very excited. Buying them their uniforms, school bags and water bottles was an experience, as we…
‘You’re looking beautiful, Aunty.’ The teenage girl with braces had to repeat this line thrice before I realized her compliment was directed at me. ‘Aunty?’ ‘Me?’ ‘Already?’ These were my thoughts when I was first called by the term every woman hates being addressed by, ‘Aunty‘. Then I told myself…
I am a Tea loyalist. I start my day with a cup of strong Chai. My Husband loves waking up to a tumbler of Coffee though. Freshly brewed Filter Kaapi, no less. After we got married The Husband taught me to make filter kaapi, just as he likes it. Ever…
Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends are always welcome and laughter never ends – Anonymous My father is fond of telling us this story often, of how his father, my grandfather, bought his first home. It was the early 1960’s when my grandfather decided to buy a…
So, you registered for #MyFriendAlexa. Congratulations! Now that this blog challenge has started, you are probably realising that you were unaware (or didn’t bother to find out) of what this challenge is truly about? You assumed signing up for Alexa would magically change everything for you and your blog, at…
I had just stepped into my teens when my grandmother thought I should start praying and fasting on Mondays, to Lord Shiva. To get a husband like him in the future, was my grandmothers explanation. I listened to her and did start, partly out of respect, and mostly because of…
Have you heard of the word ‘Frielth’? Probably not! I hadn’t heard of it either, till I coined it. Yes, I’ve created this word, which is a combination of Friend + Health = Frielth Let me explain. As I have grown with friends I have realised that being a friend…