As the temperatures start rising, your skincare regime also needs to be tweaked to adapt to climatic changes. If you’re tired of using too many products on your face, Pears is the one sure-shot solution to erase all your skin-related issues. A pears soap, body wash, or face wash is…
Although stretching isn’t the most thrilling aspect of working out, it’s necessary for a well-rounded fitness regimen such as strength and cardio. Stretching exercises can help you improve flexibility, reduce tension, and make your workouts more efficient and safe by including them in your training routine. Stretching isn’t flashy or…
As we watch 6 months of this year roll by, we realize that little has changed on the outside. We are still locked in, and our movements and activities are still restricted. However, staying locked in has made me very ingenious. I have discovered new ways to build my immunity…
Words like ‘sustainable’, ‘organic’, ‘pure’, ‘natural’, ‘safe’ are being tossed around so carelessly these days. Little wonder then that when a brand approaches me for a possible collaboration and their write-up includes these words I find myself wondering, ‘how different could this brand be from the rest?’. When Team Deyga…
Your hair plays a vital role in enhancing your look overall. If it is dull and unhealthy, it shows, and you will be unable to get your hair game on point. During such situations, bad hair days start occurring often. However, you do not have to worry much because you…
We all lead busy lives and crave more time for ourselves, but if you make simple, small changes to your daily routine and devote more hours to self-care, it could help to improve your happiness and well being. Start with your own needs first, learn to say no and devote…
Most of us have heard of Mayonnaise. However, Mayonnaise for Hair? While Miracle Oil is taking care of the growth of my hair, I once again asked my friend Ensiya if she had any DIY recipes to nourish and deep-condition hair. Out she came with this one. Since I swear…
My fitness journey started by accident. A friend and I decided to join a gym, and after some research we zeroed in on one. The next morning I was at the gym with my money, as decided, when my friend called me up to say she had changed her mind.…
Two months ago I undertook the 21 Day No Sugar Challenge. It was an impulsive decision to do so and I went cold turkey, not allowing myself to think, rethink, have self-doubts, and just started one morning. I have a notorious sweet tooth. I look forward to my desserts more…
Disclaimer: All the information shared here comes from my personal experience and is about my hair care routine. Follow these at your own discretion. Invest in your hair. It is the only crown you never take off – Anonymous No one enjoys bad hair days, but then good hair days…