
Book Review: Thirteen Kinds of Love by Soumya Bhattacharya

Genre: Fiction. Short Stories.

Format: Paperback and E-book.

Pages: 191

The Plot:

An apartment block in the bustling city of Mumbai houses various families and each family has its own story. While a couple in one apartment is mulling over how to break the news of their impending divorce to their young son, a Widower in another apartment wonders if he will ever get over his wife’s untimely death.

Infidelity is one of the gifts an affluent and always touring husband carries back home, will his unsuspecting wife and daughter unwrap it? A spark of love is ignited in a young widow’s heart, will it form a raging fire or be extinguished by her?

The maid who works in all these houses, what does she see? What does she hear? What does she feel? Is she the only one who knows of the stains behind the sparkling façade of the homes these people live in?

13 short stories that stand independent and are still intertwined is what Thirteen Kinds of Love by Soumya Bhattacharya is about.

Book Review: Thirteen Kinds of Love by Soumya Bhattacharya

My Thoughts:

Thirteen Kinds of Love by Soumya Bhattacharya is set in Mumbai, in a coveted block of apartments called Imperial Heights. Every family living there is different, as families are.

Author Soumya introduces us to each family through a story.

We get to know them, judge them, like them, maybe dislike them too. Based on their stories we form opinions. The stories will also make us look back into our lives and draw comparisons, and make us wonder what we would do in the situations the residents of Imperial Heights find themselves in.

Short stories are one of my favorite genres to read as they give me the feeling of reading many books all at once. Soumya’s smooth storytelling makes the reader glide through the book. Though the book starts with rather dark stories it thankfully progresses to becoming hopeful as it nears the end.

What I initially thought were open endings, which are my pet peeve, delightedly led to connected stories. Joy!

Soumya Bhattacharya’s writing is measured, precise, and simply beautiful. His keen observation of human behavior and mannerisms translates to characters that we will resonate with.

This slim book with an intriguing cover is a quick read you can finish in one go.

*** 3 Stars to Thirteen Kinds Of Love by Soumya Bhattacharya.

My rating chart;

*Use it as a doorstop.
**Read it if you have nothing better to do.
***You may like it if you like this particular genre.
****Must read!
*****What! You haven’t read it YET?!

I received this Book as part of the Blogchatter Book Review Program

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Mayuri Sharrma

I am a Tarot Card Reader by profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds I enjoy unwrapping the present.

13 Comments on “Book Review: Thirteen Kinds of Love by Soumya Bhattacharya

  1. wow..the plot seems interesting. Written keeping in mind the apartment system in Mumbai, the role of maid is quite crucial. A lot happens in front of their eyes. They see so much, absorbed so much and interpret. I also like short stories as they give me a feeling of happiness of finishing it and getting to know the end quickly..;)

  2. I prefer short stories to reqx rather than one long story. The plot in based in Mumbai and that I can totally relate to. We all know maids play a crucial role in our lives. Haha.

  3. I love short stories too since they pack in punches and unwrap fast. With such interesting characters, this sounds like a book I’ll enjoy reading. Will pick it up soon!

  4. Fiction & short stories are always good to go with with interesting character the book review sounds great definitely will check out for this weekend as was planning for one thank you for sharing the review…

  5. I really liked this book. Bhattacharya is a fabulous writer and though I’m not a big fan of short stories in general, these ones sustained my interest because of their interconnectedness.

  6. I am not fond of such read actually but somehow i feel to give this book a try through your review. You have given so honest review.. I loved it.

  7. I love reading short stories. Seems author has beautifully crafted the character of stories so that reader can feel connected. The review sounds intrigued reader in me

  8. I became a fan of short stories from the time my son crossed the toddler age and now he has his own stories to narrate. I really like the plot and knowing that the end is not as dark as the beginning, I would love to pick this one up.

  9. Interesting I like the way the stories get weaved together through a common thread of the house help who works in all places. Thanks for the review, I may pick it up to read.

  10. Thank you for sharing this with me are you like reading short stories. This one looks really interesting would surely check out this one

  11. That’s an interesting book indeed! I have just begun to reach short stories – and interconnected ones which are a puzzle that comes together are my favorite kind 🙂
    I too found the cover to be quite interesting – definitely catches one’s eye!

  12. I like reading such small stories that relate to reality so much. Well, we have imperial heights near our society too. I am sure, I would be picking up this book next for my reading seasions.

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