
Why ‘Mazza Nahin Aa Raha Hai’ will be my Life Denominator from now on

Mazza nahin aa raha hai – I am not enjoying this/ I am not having fun.

I was at the pharmacy last week, waiting to fill my prescription when a boy about 4-5 years old brushed past my legs and walked out the door. He exited the store and sat on one of the 3 steps leading to the pharmacy.
Seconds later a young man, holding an ice cream stick in one hand, followed the little boy and sat beside him.

‘Beta, aap apni ice cream kyon nahin khaa rahe ho? (Son, why aren’t you eating your ice cream?)
‘Mazza nahin aa raha hai.’ (I am not enjoying it.) replied the little boy
‘Mazza nahin aa raha hai? But yeh ice cream aapne hi toh maangi hai!’ (Not enjoying it? But you are the one who asked for this ice cream!)
‘Haan, Papa. But mujhe acchi nahin lagi.’ (Yes, Papa. But I didn’t like it.)
‘Thodi aur khaa ke dekho, acchi lage gi.’ (Have a little more, you’ll like it.) the father proffered the rapidly melting ice cream to the son.
The son took a tentative lick and immediately pushed it away, nodding ‘No’
‘Aapne order ki hai, aapko khaani padegi.’ (You have ordered the ice cream, you will have to eat it.)
‘Nahin Papa main nahin khaoonga!’ (No, Papa I won’t eat it!)
‘Par kyon? (but why?) asked the bewildered father as the melting ice cream began running down his hands.
‘Kyon ke mujhe mazza nahin aa raha hai!Bas!’ (because I am not enjoying it. Period!)

The father sighed, looked at the ice cream, and then at his son, who was busy playing with his shoelaces and began eating the ice cream himself.

Mazza Nahin Aa Raha Hai

I had collected my prescription as I witnessed this exchange. It lasted for barely some minutes, but the five words the child mouthed were etched in memory—mazza nahin aa raha hai.

Something was liberating and magical about these common words most of us may have used at some time in our lives. The ease and self-assuredness with which the child mouthed them gave them power. He was sure he wasn’t enjoying the ice cream he had asked for and decided he wouldn’t finish it. His choice did not spark joy and he decided mazza nahin aa ra hai. That’s it. Decision made.

I walked out of the store deep in thought and with a smile playing on my lips. Why couldn’t I set Mazza nahin aa raha hai as my bar in life. A denominator to decide what or who sparked joy in my life? Or was I willing to continue living as I had so far? Doing what was expected of me. Doing what I deemed was right for the world. Doing what did not bring me joy?

How many things was I doing, how many decisions was I making despite feeling – Mazza nahin aa raha hai?

Now you may be thinking of what I did too. That was a child and his decision was about an ice cream. He was not mature enough to understand his thoughts or what the decision meant. Also, it was just an ice cream that he didn’t agree to finish. Can we, as adults base our decisions thus? Probably not. However, we as adults can choose this thought of mazza nahin aa raha hai to sift through our everyday choices and elevate them and ourselves.

Stuck in a job that is stagnant and leaves you unfulfilled? Mazaa nahin aa raha hai? Upskill yourself and change your job/stream.
No reciprocation in relationships? Mazaa nahin aa raha hai. Voice what you want. If it’s not paid heed to, stop doing things that are not valued.

Insipid thought processes clogging my decision-making? Mazza nahin aa raha hai. I am going to be taking that leap of faith.

Saying Yes when I want to say No? Mazza nahin aa raha hai. No is a sentence, it requires no further explanation. if saying no closes doors, turn around and find a new door or window.

A child is truly the father of man. That 4-5-year-old child at the pharmacy left me with a life denominator that I hope shall help me add more joy to my life.

I owe you one, kiddo! If I ever see you again, I hope I can stop you and your Papa/Mamma long enough to tell your parent this story and ask them permission to buy you an ice cream. If you don’t like what you pick I’ll get you whatever else you want. Kyon ki life mein mazza toh aana chahiye an?

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Mayuri Sharrma

I am a Tarot Card Reader by profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds I enjoy unwrapping the present.

2 Comments on “Why ‘Mazza Nahin Aa Raha Hai’ will be my Life Denominator from now on

  1. This post was an eye-opener, Mayuri. I can imagine how the thought ‘mazaa nahi aa raha’ made its way into your heart and offered you a fresh new perspective on life and living! And reading this on the first day of the new year feels to me like a message from the Universe.
    We live such uncertain lives. Living life on our terms, doing only what brings mazaa in our life is, indeed, the best way to live. 🙂
    Thank you for this post.

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