An arranged match bound my Husband and me in matrimony. As a result of which we started getting to know each other only post marriage.
When we started living together we discovered traits about the other that two and a half months of courtship has not revealed, or maybe had just given each other a glimpse of.
For instance, I was meticulous planner, while my husband was is a last minute guy. When I was single I packed at least a week prior to a trip, if not earlier. My husband on the other hand would start packing just before we walked out of the door. I have lost count of the number of white shirts, socks, tooth brushes we may have purchased because he ‘forgot to pack them’.
Talking of journeys, I was the kind who needed to have each detail planned to the T, and I mean each detail. It wouldn’t surprise you to read that husband is on the other end of the spectrum.
Journeys also remind me of various mad drives to the airports and railway stations, with me bribing every God my furious mind could think of, to get us to the airport/station in time. Hubby meanwhile is either nonchalantly on the phone, or discussing what we would eat once we get to our destination. To give him credit, we have never missed a flight and missed a train only once.
It is not only our travel habits that are different. While I am obsessed about keeping the house neat as a pin, my husband has the Super Power of making the house look like it has been hit by a hurricane within 5 minutes of walking into it.
We’ve driven to a neighbouring city in the middle of the night, on a whim, for a weekend. I screamed my way through as I White Water Rafted, with my heart in my mouth and a feeling of complete exhilaration after we were done.
I am terrified of animals, and my husband planned a secret trip where he coaxed me into giving elephants a wash. I walked into the water in tears but once I started scrubbing the gentle pachyderms I did not want to leave.
We’ve lost our way in Rome, and walked for a good 5 hours trying to find the way back to our hotel, eating Gelatos at hourly intervals and laughing at the fact that both our phones had died on us, thanks to clicking pics.
We will be celebrating 9 years of togetherness this year. Though he is the apple to my orange, the one thing I would not want my husband to change is his impulsiveness. After some initial months which tried every reserve of my patience, I decided to go with his craziness and enjoy it, rather than tearing my hair apart over it. Not to say that I don’t have my head-banging-against-the-wall-moments over it anymore. I do, but they are few and far in between.
My husband’s impulsiveness, the complete opposite of my organised trait, has changed me for the better and made life one big adventure.
Having said that, I do hold a secret desire that some of my traits, like being non-messy for instance, rub off on him.
An Apple and an Orange may be the complete opposite of each other, but they taste great when they come together in a fruit salad, don’t they?
This post is a part of the Valentine’s Day Blog Train hosted by Prerna & Vartika and by ShilpSa, Kalpavriksha Farms & Neha
Written for the prompt, ‘Opposites attract, great minds think alike – what type of couple are you?’
Seriously Mayuri, reading your posts about your husband and your arranged marriage, makes me want to go back in time and have an arranged marraife for myself. hehe… so enjoyed your post. Love you loads!
That is such a sweet thing to say, Anupriya!:) Thank you!
You said it, M. The difference in the taste of apples and oranges makes them better when they’re in a fruit salad, and in your case your marriage!
Imagine the lack of thrill your life would have if everything was perfect. Washing elephants and white water rafting are things you wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise, would you?
Happy 9 years of togetherness to both of you. Stay happy and blessed (and him less messy, if possible)! 🙂
Hahahahahaha! Thanks, Varsha.
Oh my how much I love fruit salad no doubt I’ll so much love ur fun-loving relation
Thank you, Jameela.
Oh my my!!Love you my fruit chat…Yes..Apple n Orange are really made for each other..❤️god bless!
Thank you, Pallavi.
Loved the post Mayuri! Both of you make such a cute couple. These varying traits make for a ride which is fun-filled and full of surprises. Keep travelling and while you plan let his spontaneity enthrall you
Thanks for reading and for your warm words, Meha.
Loved the title. We need sweetness, and some tartness in our relationship. With a hint of salt. And thats what make the fruit Chaat taste yummy..
Well said, Alpana. Thanks for reading.
Haha! Loved the last line. They actually taste good together. I can relate to the first paragraph about travelling. Our case is same as well. I pack a week before but Deepak starts at last minute. But as you said, these differences make it interesting..isn’t it?
You bet they do, Deepa. Thanks for reading.
wow ..its really a amazing love story and definitely An Apple and an Orange may be the complete opposite of each other….loved the post to the core!!!!
Thanks for reading, Ghun.
Every marriage has sweetness and sourness…your write-up is a true depict of this…God bless u!!
Thanks so much, Vani.
marraige is about experiences, some sweet some sour. and if both partners are alike there will be fun however if they are different it will be mischievous too.
Lovely post! Apple to your orange is the right terminology given the fact that you are total opposite to each other. Endearing post indeed.
Its truly said opposites attract. I hope you keep enjoying the impulsiveness of your husband 😉
That’s such a heartfelt post Mayuri. I loved your descriptions, and the personal note you added to it. Very well-written!
Nice couple with differences. Iam also organized person but I like my husband’s impromptu travel plans and long drives.
Very well narrated the story of your life. I enjoyed reading each moments & somewhere i feel like it my life story going on….. My best reading moment was elephant one…. because of ur hubby u overcome that fear & enjoyed it.
Loved reading this post….this me and my husband in role reversal, he is the sane one….
woh… what a yummy salad or a fruit chat…loved it ….
Loved the post and could co-relate with it so well. I had too written the post on the same topic and coincidently we both shared more or less equal type of relationship with our soulmates. indeed opposite attracts and stays together for long. #Vdayblogtrain
Imagine M if you two were great planners, then those pump up moments wouldn’t have existed. Two together makes a good team. My husband is horrible with directions, just to change that opinion once he switch off GPS(Aka I was angry mute) and we were lost in foreign country for half a day. But that was most adventurous moment of the trip too. Loved reading this post, M.
Arranged marriage ka apna alag maza hai! Quite like my own story. Loved reading it.
Such a sweet post, Mayuri! And I loved the famous analogy of apples and oranges. Well, you are both poles apart and maybe that’s why you attract each other and stay together. Mazaa aa gaya to read your goof ups and antics!
Love marriages are no less crazier. I loved how you have penned everything opposite trait which have made you love your husband even more. I smiled throughout the post.
A lot of it sounds familiar though mine is not even arranged.
Loved every bit of it especially the last sentence. Stay blessed
Thanks for reading , Vani.
I cant blame you, I have done unimaginable things like those – bribing God for making me reach on time! Cute story and I totally relate to this Mayuri.
Here is my attempt at some humor. Hope you like it
You are lucky, you get to taste apples and oranges. How boring would everything be, with just a single flavor. Here’s to many more crazy yet memorable moments of your life. Loved reading the write up!
couldn’t stop laughing while reading your post. And I could relate with your hurricane concept, As my house is always in the same condition.
Loved the article! It’s amazing. Opposites make a beautiful pair! God bless you!
What a joyful read! Needless to say how mudane life would have been hd you found an equally orgnized partner!
Life is too short, you are lucky to have someone who adds adventure to your life 🙂
Fabulous read!
First things first, you guys look amazing together. Coming to the post now, Hurricane, really? Wonderfully penned, Mayuri and I confess, after reading your post, I too wished to have an arranged marriage. It must be exciting to unfold the traits of each other gradually. A good read.
An Apple and Orange idea is very refreshing…..each one have its own qualities make a great combination……lovely read!
I absolutely loved your title! And, I went all ‘aww’ when I read the part about washing the elephants. You and your husband are definitely yin and yang, perfect for each other. 🙂
I thoroughly enjoyed your post Mayuri and sure like this fruit salad idea! You have a way with words and have the readers wanting for more…
You always make it humourous. Loved the concept of apple and orange. And may be that’s why we say opposites attract. ☺️❤️
From airport dash to hurricane hit home front, I could see everything happening right in front and right now! And boy, it made the most interesting read. God bless both of you and may you both keep making and savoring the healthiest, testiest fruit salad of the life!
Only opposites can survive… That is what I feel… Because opposite people have different perspectives…. And that is what helps you come out of a tricky situation.
Aww, this was such a cute post of your arrange love story. Congrats for 9 years of togetherness 🙂
hahahaa.. beautiful.. Very tangy and red and chatpata write up
loved every bit
maintain the tanginess of relationship…it proves that marriages are made in heaven…god offers reverse people to settle in so that the flaws of both individual are taken care of and are compatible… Interesting one.
apples and oranges are so unique, yet they compliment each other in a fruit salad. so beautifully narrated. #blogtrain #vday