“A man and a book come into your life when you need them the most,” I remember reading this quote a while ago. To say I stumbled across Shantaram would be a blatant lie because Shantaram literally fell into my lap! Every waking hour, minute, and second of the past…
TAG 1Bibli·ophi·lism Background:bib·li·o·phile also bib·li·o·phil (-fl) or bib·li·oph·i·list (bbl-f-lst) n.~ A lover of books.~ A collector of books.bibli·ophi·lism n. bibli·ophi·listic adj. So here goes. Books I own:****************For Gods sake!!!! You don’t expect me to remember all of them, do ya?!!!Ok, rough guess here. Might have around 200. Not counting the…
It is 1’o’ clock in the afternoon. I am in my office. . I have just shown a client out and await the next one who is scheduled to be here at 2.There is 1 whole hour in between. Too long to do nothing, and too short to rush home…
I have never liked the rain much. In spite of being a June baby. The 6th of June was the day Mumbai unfailingly welcomed the monsoons each year. And the rains played spoilsport each birthday. Due to the debuting downpour, my birthday parties were invariably ruined. Which is why, I…
My Phobias have plagued me for a while now. Got into the way of me seriously enjoying life. I remember how scared I was of heights. Oh yeah! Really scared! Avoided so many places, didn’t do so many things.Fed up, I decided to tackle the problem head on. And in…
You never feel so alone as you do when 1) You are the only one in the room who does not get the joke 2) You are lying wide-awake in the middle of the night, while the whole world sleeps. My bedside clock tells me its 2:12. It’s ok. I…
Written on the 7th of April ’05 at 5 in the everning. The weather in Mumbai is horrible at the moment, 38 degrees and climbing. The humidity is energy sapping. Does not help either when you are immobile due to a bad back. The result? This story below ! A…
I recently posted my version of a ‘what-happens-next’ to a story on a writing forum and the feedback that I got for it was anything but about the story.Infact, the comments people left made me re-read my version. Was there something I missed out perhaps? No. The comments were all…
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my blog! In case you are wondering what Diemos means, it is Greek for ‘Terror’. One of the 2 moons on the planet Mars, the other being Phobos, which means ‘Fear.’ So, now that I have done my bit for humanity by adding something to your…