Let’s pretend to be friends and talk about things we hear and see. Discussing the weather, the world, and the news. Everything, except you and me. Let’s pretend to be friends as we exchange snippets of our lives. The designers we so love bags and shoes we both covet “I…
This is a fable from long ago you’ve probably heard it but I’ll tell you once more. It’s about an Oyster and a Grain of Sand and a little bit of how fate plays its hand. It all started on a bright, sunny day when the Oyster had decided to…
With each new day, I start once more The salty sea air my perfume My riches are strewn on the shore. Your waste is my treasure Your thrash brings me pleasure. You use and throw, My mountain of joy grows. Crumpled candy wrappers Like diamonds, they shine The candy, your…
I am once again savoring… The lull of sleep and waking up to new dreams. I am once again savoring… Languorous mornings tranquil afternoons and lit evenings. I am once again savoring… what I thought I had lost, hope, faith, and belief. I am once again savoring… the power of…
Where does love go when love ends? Do you look for it in that toothbrush left behind? Or in the spine of the book placed face down, half-read. Do you breathe it in from fast fading fragrances on clothes, or think you glimpsed it in a passing blur on the…
We are no longer friends Too far from being enemies just yet We are practicing our moves The stage is set. We invisibly circle each other Readying for an attack We bruise each other with words Careful to see to it that we use tact. Our defenses are up, emotional…
O Mother of a Son do I see you celebrating there? The birth of your pride, your prize, your heir O Mother of a Son is that derision I see? Each time you look at a woman who has birthed a She O Mother of a Son do…
Anti-Valentine Exercise on Caferati; Post poems in any format for St Valentine’s Day. But. Make them unromantic. Go ghoulish. Go bizarre. Be funny. Whatever. Just no soppy verse. The basic idea is to parody the hearts and flowers excesses that the greeting cards companies put us through. P:S: When I…
What makes a woman happy? Baubles and flowers? Chocolates and fragrances? A handful of stars? No Sir, you are wrong there, that’s not what it is. Come with me into the mind of a woman Because her happiness lies in this; Trust her, love her Care for her like she’s…
This is a story of not so long ago When I wasn’t so smart, but thought I was so One day I sat down, with paper and pen To chart out my future from now to then I listed out all the things that I wanted to do…