
The Ragpicker #WriteAPageADay

With each new day, I start once more

The salty sea air my perfume

My riches are strewn on the shore.

Your waste is my treasure

Your thrash brings me pleasure.

You use and throw,

My mountain of joy grows.

Crumpled candy wrappers

Like diamonds, they shine

The candy, your child’s reward

The wrapper, mine.

A broken pen I use to write

Letters never known

A string of beads I carefully put away

Something to call my own.

The sun shining down on me

As I go through the day

Wading through the debris of your discard

I make my way

Picking and choosing what I deem fit

Weighing, measuring, what I’ll get for it.

This is my kingdom

I am the Queen

This is where I reign,

Unknown. Unseen.

*Traveling makes me focus on things I overlook in day-to-day life. On one of my travels a while ago my gaze settled on a bunch of ragpickers who were having a gala time comparing their picks of the day. Their carefree laugh and banter inspired this poem.

This post has been written for Blogchatters #WriteAPageADay Campaign

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Mayuri Sharrma

I am a Tarot Card Reader by profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds I enjoy unwrapping the present.

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