#BlogChallenge - #ThinkingAloud

I want to visit Mars! #BlogchatterBlogHop

For their weekly Blog Hop, one of the prompts by Blogchatter for this week was, ‘Would you rather visit Moon or Mars?’.

Mars! Mars! I want to visit Mars!
That’s where the men are supposedly from!

‘Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus’, remember this line?

How many times have you read this, heard this, and have probably been given it as an inference when both the genders don’t understand each other? I am sure you have lost count, just as I have.

So, if Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus it makes sense to planet hop to see why they are the way they are * insert eye roll here, sisters! *

This is why I want to visit Mars so that I could learn to decipher the Martians, I mean Men.

I wonder what really happens there? Are classes held, where they teach Men to grunt out responses and turn a deaf ear?
Do hands-on training courses tutor them about selective amnesia, hearing, and sight?

Are there special teachers who train them to be crazy about some sport and obsessively remember each detail of past performances? And the same brain goes foggy while remembering the names of their partner’s family and friends.

Who taught them that it is better to be lost than ask for directions? With the petrol process soaring, wouldn’t you rather ask for directions and not drive along in circles?

Why is opening and sealing a ziplock bag such a task when most can tinker with gadgets and vehicles and have them running?

Are bonus classes held where they learn to answer with an ‘I don’t know!’ when asked what they would like for lunch/dinner and then say, ‘Why did you make THIS?’ at the table?

They have a limited vocabulary when it comes to talking to their partners. Hear them talking about finance/cars/gadgets/politics and other topics and you’ll need a dictionary!

Do they have a Masterclass on Mars, the subjects being, How Not To Feel, How Not To Compliment, How To Have A Blank Expression During Family Functions, and for Photographs?

So, sisters, this is why I want to visit Mars. If I ever get an opportunity to do so, I will do thorough research and share my findings with you. Till then, let’s enjoy our differences!

This post is a part of the Blogchatter Blog Hop and was written for the prompt, ‘ Would you rather visit the Moon or Mars.’

You can read my previous post, herehere , hereand here

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Mayuri Sharrma

I am a Tarot Card Reader by profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds I enjoy unwrapping the present.

7 Comments on “I want to visit Mars! #BlogchatterBlogHop

  1. “Selective amnesia, hearing and sight …” made me laugh.Its something I wonder about too.I have assumed it’s the Y thing in their genes.But I will eagerly await your research synopsis. Loved reading this Mayuri.

  2. This post made me laugh out loud ! Seriously limited vocabulary is what they use and in turn want you to be always cheerful!

  3. Such an amusing post with an element of truth in it! How well you have analysed all the traits that make men men! Enjoyed reading this!

  4. So so relatable, Mayuri. Good take on the prompt. In fact a different one because until now everyone wants to go to the moon.
    And yes, I wonder about the questions and many more when it comes to men, especially their selective amnesia

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