#BookReview - #Travel

#BookReview: Travel India with a Toddler by Neha Sharma

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

This book review has been written as part of the Blogchatter Book Review Program

Pages: 154                               

Genre: Travel

Available in: PDF

The Plot: Neha and Sumit Sharma travel the world with their toddler, Nemit. The fact that 3 year old Nemit started travelling when he was only 2 months old, and has travelled more than any adult I know has, for a 3 year old, makes you realise that his parents are doing something right. What is the secret Nemit’s parents hold? Have they cracked the formula of Travelling with a Toddler?


My Thoughts:

Becoming parents changes a lot of things for couples. They are called Mom and Dad, and are responsible for another human for as long as they live. Parenthood also requires sacrifices. Giving up a job, not going out as often as one likes and ‘no more travelling till the child is old enough’ are some of the common choices most parents have had to make.

Sumit and Neha’s travel with Nemit isn’t about fancy staycations or travelling in the conventional way. This couple and their toddler have travelled, and how! They’ve trekked through mud, walked across a Suspension Bridge, with Neha’s heart in her mouth, and even taken local transport with the bus driver in a tearing hurry to get to his destination, giving them a feeling of riding a roller coaster in an amusement park.

Neha’s writing is honest and has you hooked from the start, and it is more than obvious that it comes from experience. She is candid about sharing the mistakes they made while planning trips and has penned down this book so that you don’t make them.

She shares every detail you would need to think of while planning and executing a trip with a toddler. What to include while packing luggage. How to choose the right hotel/ / resort/ airbnb. What food to carry for and feed the child. How to see to it that the child enjoys the trip too.

Apart from these tips, there are detailed travel itineraries hugely helpful for anyone who is planning to travel to Andaman Islands, Kashmir and Meghalaya

A serendipitous bonus in the book: Nemit’s Dadi (paternal Grandmom) and Naani (Maternal Grandmom) travel with them too. Their pictures are sure to warm your heart and their spirit of adventure will inspire you, and make you look at travelling with Seniors in a new light. I really appreciate how frank Neha is about saying that Grandparents should not be treated as ‘caretakers’ when travelling together but should be included in the planning of the trip and  in activities they show an inclination for.

If you are a new parent (s) who have put their travel plans on hold because you thought, or were told, that travelling with a baby /  toddler is a foolish thing to do, then this book is a must read.

Studded with pictures that add to the writing, loaded with information and insight gained on hindsight ‘Travel India with A Toddler by Neha Sharma’ should be the Holy Grail for all parents-to-be / new parents and parents of a toddler.

P:S: I am not a parent, despite which I finished this book in one go!

Want to read this book? It’s available for free for a limited time only! Download your free copy here

**** 4 Stars to Travel India with a Toddler by Neha Sharma

 My rating chart;

*Use it as a doorstop.
**Read it if you have nothing better to do.
***You may like it if you like this particular genre.
****Must read!
*****What! You haven’t read it YET?!

This book review has been written as part of the Blogchatter Book Review Program

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Mayuri Sharrma

I am a Tarot Card Reader by profession and a Writer by design. Since I am already aware of what the future holds I enjoy unwrapping the present.

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