A few days ago, The Husband was reading an article about Hugh Hefner. He put the paper down and announced to me ‘This man is my idol!’, punching Hugh’s wrinkled face on the paper, even as he smiled impishly. I rolled my eyes. This morning an article on Silvio Berlusconi…
A tense silence hangs over the house these days. Amma and me cast furtive glances at each other every time the doorbell rings. The reason, we’re auditioning for a good cook, for CP (yes, we’ve abbreviated the Chinna Pillavadu to just small and sweet CP) The specifications given…
From the 1st, of the 5 in all, wedding receptions we had, we’ve had one constant request. 190million requests for a baby boy. 189 million requests for a ‘fair’ baby boy. 120 million requests for twins, both boys. 110 million requests for twins, 1 girl and 1 boy. 12 million…